Death Smiles At Us All

Death Smiles At Us All

“Death smiles at all men, all men can do is smile back” This is a quote from the movie Gladiator and is wrongly attributed to Marcus Aurelius. Even though, as far as we know, The Emperor never actually uttered these words but they still have a lot

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Rest days; And Why You Need Them

Rest days; And Why You Need Them

     Ah, the elusive “rest day” talk.  Everyone knows they need rest days, but why do we need them?  When should we take them?  Are you taking too much rest?  These are all questions I am often asked.  All too often we see athletes go from

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Yoga for Anxiety

Labrats, hello! Today in the MindLab, let us ponder the prolific pandora of postured anxiety-reducing practice via yoga. We all experience stress and anxiety: cell phone notifications, emails, work to-dos, home to-dos, “honey-dos,” “honey-don’t-evers,” not enough time, not enough energy, not enough motivation, self-defeating talk, impossible self

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